April 10, 2015
The naked trees dressed up tonight
In emeralds and feathers
And all the ladies gathered
The bullfrogs and the peepers piped
In ruby eyes and gaiters
And played a show of waltzes
Coyote yipped haunting fanfares
Cocooned in bright butter moon
Then sang his plaintive poems
Owl asked existential questions
In a hood of bark and leaves
And the rabbit chorus wailed
Raccoon babes rolled in the meadow
In charcoal masks and striping
And chanted nursery rhymes
The naked trees dressed up tonight
In emeralds and feathers
And all the ladies gathered
The denizens all gathered
About Eugene Jones Baldwin
I am a writer: non-fiction, fiction, journalism (Alton Telegraph), essays (The Genehouse Chronicles) and have a website: eugenebaldwin.com. I've published a couple dozen short stories and had eleven plays produced. Current projects: "Brother of the Stones" (available on Kindle), a book of short stories; "The Faithful Husband of the Rain, short stories"; "A Black Soldier's Letters Home, WWII,;" "There is No Color in Justice," a commentary on racism; "Ratkillers," a new play.
I am an avocational archaeologist and I take parts of my collection of several thousand Indian artifacts (personal finds) to schools, nature centers, libraries etc. and talk about the 20,000 year history of The First people in Illinois. (See link to website)
I'm also a playwright (eleven plays produced), musician, historian (authority on the Underground Railroad in Illinois, the Tuskegee Airmen) and teacher.