In the Forsythia Ballroom

In the Forsythia Ballroom

drab in winter but colored bird

song sparrows sin and sing scat

swinging cardinals dance the Bounce

The balcony section, Honeysuckle,

upside down, man, with nuthatches

powdered snow confetti raining down


In the Forsythia Ballroom,

Oh, dig them juncos’ dance on ice

the necking finches in their booths swaying

birds air trumpeting Bird

of a feather of titmice footprints

No chicks allowed no smoking

but drinking smashberry wine

vaping vamping very verisimilitude

you dig, no, really, you dig


In the Forsythia Ballroom

the lights fade to silver to thread

let’s kick back bug cocktails

make bird babies

let’s thrum throat drum let’s twist

whose bushes these are

this cheap motel branch

About Eugene Jones Baldwin

I am a writer: non-fiction, fiction, journalism (Alton Telegraph), essays (The Genehouse Chronicles) and have a website: I've published a couple dozen short stories and had eleven plays produced. Current projects: "Brother of the Stones" (available on Kindle), a book of short stories; "The Faithful Husband of the Rain, short stories"; "A Black Soldier's Letters Home, WWII,;" "There is No Color in Justice," a commentary on racism; "Ratkillers," a new play. I am an avocational archaeologist and I take parts of my collection of several thousand Indian artifacts (personal finds) to schools, nature centers, libraries etc. and talk about the 20,000 year history of The First people in Illinois. (See link to website) I'm also a playwright (eleven plays produced), musician, historian (authority on the Underground Railroad in Illinois, the Tuskegee Airmen) and teacher.
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